Solidity API


This contract is responsible for the scheduled distribution of emissions based on predefined cycles and decay settings.

Manages the periodic distribution of B3TR tokens to XAllocation, Vote2Earn, and Treasury allocations. This contract leverages openzeppelin’s AccessControl, ReentrancyGuard, and UUPSUpgradeable libraries for access control, reentrancy protection, and upgradability.



Role for addresses allowed to mint new tokens



Role for addresses that can upgrade the contract



The role that can set external contracts addresses



Role for addresses that can update the decay settings




event EmissionDistributed(uint256 cycle, uint256 xAllocations, uint256 vote2Earn, uint256 treasury)

Emitted when emissions are distributed for a cycle


event XAllocationsAddressUpdated(address newAddress, address oldAddress)

Emitted when XAllocations address is updated


event Vote2EarnAddressUpdated(address newAddress, address oldAddress)

Emitted when Vote2Earn address is updated


event XAllocationsGovernorAddressUpdated(address newAddress, address oldAddress)

Emitted when XAllocationsGovernor address is updated


event TreasuryAddressUpdated(address newAddress, address oldAddress)

Emitted when Treasury address is updated


event EmissionCycleDurationUpdated(uint256 newDuration, uint256 oldDuration)

Emitted when the emission cycle duration is updated


event XAllocationsDecayUpdated(uint256 newDecay, uint256 oldDecay)

Emitted when the xAllocations decay rate is updated


event Vote2EarnDecayUpdated(uint256 newDecay, uint256 oldDecay)

Emitted when the vote2Earn decay rate is updated


event Vote2EarnDecayPeriodUpdated(uint256 newPeriod, uint256 oldPeriod)

Emitted when the vote2Earn decay period is updated


event MaxVote2EarnDecayUpdated(uint256 newDecay, uint256 oldDecay)

Emitted when the max vote2Earn decay rate is updated


event XAllocationsDecayPeriodUpdated(uint256 newPeriod, uint256 oldPeriod)

Emitted when the xAllocations decay period is updated


event TreasuryPercentageUpdated(uint256 newPercentage, uint256 oldPercentage)

Emitted when the treasury percentage is updated


Initialization data for the Emissions contract

struct InitializationData {
  address minter;
  address admin;
  address upgrader;
  address contractsAddressManager;
  address decaySettingsManager;
  address b3trAddress;
  address[4] destinations;
  uint256 migrationAmount;
  uint256 initialXAppAllocation;
  uint256 cycleDuration;
  uint256[4] decaySettings;
  uint256 treasuryPercentage;
  uint256 maxVote2EarnDecay;


struct Emission {
  uint256 xAllocations;
  uint256 vote2Earn;
  uint256 treasury;


Storage structure for the Emissions contract

Struct to store the state of emissions

struct EmissionsStorage {
  contract IB3TR b3tr;
  contract IXAllocationVotingGovernor xAllocationsGovernor;
  address _xAllocations;
  address _vote2Earn;
  address _treasury;
  address _migration;
  uint256 _migrationAmount;
  uint256 nextCycle;
  uint256 cycleDuration;
  uint256 xAllocationsDecay;
  uint256 vote2EarnDecay;
  uint256 maxVote2EarnDecay;
  uint256 xAllocationsDecayPeriod;
  uint256 vote2EarnDecayPeriod;
  uint256 initialXAppAllocation;
  uint256 treasuryPercentage;
  uint256 lastEmissionBlock;
  mapping(uint256 => struct Emissions.Emission) emissions;
  uint256 totalEmissions;
  bool _isEmissionsNotAligned;


constructor() public


function initialize(struct Emissions.InitializationData data) external

Initializes the contract with specific operational parameters for emissions management

Sets up the initial configurations including token addresses, allocation destinations, cycle parameters, and decay mechanics


Name Type Description
data struct Emissions.InitializationData A struct containing all necessary initialization data: - minter: Address with the minter role who can initiate token distributions - admin: Address with administrative rights - upgrader: Address authorized to upgrade the contract - b3trAddress: Contract address of the B3TR token - destinations: Array of addresses for emissions allocations: [XAllocations, Vote2Earn, Treasury, Migration] - initialXAppAllocation: Initial amount of tokens allocated for XAllocations - cycleDuration: Duration of each emission cycle in blocks - decaySettings: Array with decay rates and periods [XAllocations Decay Rate, Vote2Earn Decay Rate, XAllocations Decay Period, Vote2Earn Decay Period] - treasuryPercentage: Percentage of total emissions allocated to the treasury - maxVote2EarnDecay: Maximum allowable decay rate for Vote2Earn allocations to ensure sustainability - migrationAmount: Amount of tokens seed the migration account with


function initializeV2(bool _isEmissionsNotAligned) external

Reinitializes the contract with new parameters


Name Type Description
_isEmissionsNotAligned bool Flag to indicate if emissions are aligned with the Emissions schedule


function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal

Authorized upgrading of the contract implementation

This function can only be called by addresses with the UPGRADER_ROLE


Name Type Description
newImplementation address Address of the new contract implementation


function bootstrap() external

Handles the bootstrapping of the initial emission cycle.

This function can only be called by addresses with the MINTER_ROLE and only when the next cycle is 0.


function start() external

Starts the emission process after the initial bootstrap.

This function can only be called by addresses with the MINTER_ROLE and only when the next cycle is 1.


function distribute() public virtual

Distributes the tokens for the current cycle, calculates allocations based on decay rates.


function _calculateNextXAllocation() internal view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the token allocation for XAllocations for the upcoming cycle, taking into account decay rates

Calculates emissions based on the previous cycle’s emissions and applies decay if a new decay period has started If it’s the first cycle, returns the initial allocation

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The calculated number of tokens for the next cycle


function _calculateVote2EarnDecayPeriods() internal view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the number of decay periods that have passed since the start of the emissions

Used to determine how many times the decay rate should be applied to the Vote2Earn emissions The number of decay periods is calculated as follows: number of decay periods = floor(number of periods / decay period)

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The number of decay periods since the start of emissions


function _calculateVote2EarnDecayPercentage() internal view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the decay percentage for Vote2Earn allocations for the next cycle

The decay percentage is determined by the elapsed decay periods and the specified decay rate, capped at a maximum decay rate The decay percentage is calculated as follows: decay percentage = decay rate * number of decay periods The decay percentage is capped at a maximum value to ensure sustainability

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The calculated decay percentage for the next cycle


function _calculateVote2EarnAmount() internal view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the token allocation for Vote2Earn for the upcoming cycle

Applies the calculated decay percentage to the XAllocation from the upcoming cycle to determine Vote2Earn allocation

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The calculated number of tokens for Vote2Earn for the next cycle


function _calculateTreasuryAmount() internal view virtual returns (uint256)

Calculates the token allocation for the Treasury based on the total allocations to XAllocations and Vote2Earn

Treasury gets a percentage of the combined XAllocations and Vote2Earn amounts, adjusted by the treasury percentage

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 unit256 The calculated number of tokens for the Treasury for the next cycle


function getXAllocationAmount(uint256 cycle) public view virtual returns (uint256)

Retrieves the XAllocation amount for a specified cycle

Returns the allocated amount if the cycle has been distributed, otherwise calculates the expected allocation


Name Type Description
cycle uint256 The cycle number to query

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The amount of XAllocations for the specified cycle


function getVote2EarnAmount(uint256 cycle) public view virtual returns (uint256)

Retrieves the Vote2Earn allocation for a specified cycle

Returns the allocated amount if the cycle has been distributed, otherwise calculates the expected allocation


Name Type Description
cycle uint256 The cycle number to query

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The amount of Vote2Earn for the specified cycle


function getTreasuryAmount(uint256 cycle) public view virtual returns (uint256)

Retrieves the Treasury allocation for a specified cycle

Returns the allocated amount if the cycle has been distributed, otherwise calculates the expected allocation


Name Type Description
cycle uint256 The cycle number to query

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The amount of Treasury allocation for the specified cycle


function isCycleDistributed(uint256 cycle) public view virtual returns (bool)

Checks if a specific cycle’s allocations have been distributed


Name Type Description
cycle uint256 The cycle number to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the cycle has been distributed, false otherwise


function isCycleEnded(uint256 cycle) public view virtual returns (bool)

Determines if a specific cycle has ended


Name Type Description
cycle uint256 The cycle number to check

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the cycle has ended, false otherwise


function getCurrentCycle() public view virtual returns (uint256)

Retrieves the current cycle number

The current cycle is the next cycle minus one

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The current cycle number


function getNextCycleBlock() public view virtual returns (uint256)

Retrieves the block number when the next cycle will start

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The starting block number of the next cycle


function isNextCycleDistributable() public view virtual returns (bool)

Checks if the next cycle can start based on the block number

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] bool True if the next cycle can be started, false otherwise


function getRemainingEmissions() public view returns (uint256)

Calculates the remaining emissions available for distribution

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The total number of tokens still available for emission


function treasury() public view returns (address)

Returns the address of the Treasury


function vote2Earn() public view returns (address)

Returns the address of the Vote2Earn allocation


function xAllocations() public view returns (address)

Returns the address for XAllocations


function b3tr() public view returns (contract IB3TR)

Returns the B3TR contract


function xAllocationsGovernor() public view returns (contract IXAllocationVotingGovernor)

Returns the XAllocations Governance contract


function cycleDuration() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the cycle duration in blocks


function nextCycle() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the block number of the next emission cycle

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The block number of the next cycle


function xAllocationsDecay() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the current decay rate for XAllocations

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The decay rate as a percentage


function vote2EarnDecay() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the current decay rate for Vote2Earn allocations

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The decay rate as a percentage


function maxVote2EarnDecay() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the maximum allowed decay rate for Vote2Earn

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The maximum decay rate as a percentage


function xAllocationsDecayPeriod() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the decay period for XAllocations

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The number of blocks between decay periods


function vote2EarnDecayPeriod() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the decay period for Vote2Earn allocations

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The number of cycles between decay applications


function initialXAppAllocation() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the initial allocation for XAllocations at the start of the first cycle

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The amount of tokens initially allocated


function treasuryPercentage() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the percentage of total emissions allocated to the Treasury

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The treasury percentage


function lastEmissionBlock() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the block number when the last emission occurred

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The block number of the last emission


function totalEmissions() public view returns (uint256)

Retrieves the total amount of emissions that have been distributed across all cycles

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The total emissions distributed


function emissions(uint256 cycle) public view returns (struct Emissions.Emission)

Retrieves the emission details for a specific cycle


Name Type Description
cycle uint256 The cycle number to query

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] struct Emissions.Emission Emission A struct containing the allocations for XAllocations, Vote2Earn, and Treasury


function isEmissionsNotAligned() public view returns (bool)


function version() public pure virtual returns (string)

Retrieves the current version of the contract

This function is used to identify the version of the contract and should be overridden in each new version

Return Values

Name Type Description
[0] string The version of the contract


function setXallocationsAddress(address xAllocationAddress) public virtual

Sets the address for XAllocations

Requires admin privileges and a non-zero address


Name Type Description
xAllocationAddress address The new address to set for XAllocations


function setVote2EarnAddress(address vote2EarnAddress) public virtual

Sets the address for Vote2Earn allocations

Requires admin privileges and a non-zero address


Name Type Description
vote2EarnAddress address The new address to set for Vote2Earn


function setTreasuryAddress(address treasuryAddress) public virtual

Sets the address for the Treasury

Requires admin privileges and a non-zero address


Name Type Description
treasuryAddress address The new address to set for the Treasury


function setCycleDuration(uint256 _cycleDuration) public virtual

Sets the duration of each emission cycle

Requires admin privileges and a duration greater than 0


Name Type Description
_cycleDuration uint256 The duration of the cycle in blocks


function setXAllocationsDecay(uint256 _decay) public virtual

Sets the decay rate for XAllocations

Requires admin privileges


Name Type Description
_decay uint256 Decay rate as a percentage


function setVote2EarnDecay(uint256 _decay) public virtual

Sets the decay rate for Vote2Earn allocations

Requires admin privileges


Name Type Description
_decay uint256 Decay rate as a percentage


function setXAllocationsDecayPeriod(uint256 _period) public virtual

Sets the number of cycles after which the XAllocations decay rate is applied

Requires admin privileges and a period greater than 0


Name Type Description
_period uint256 Number of cycles


function setVote2EarnDecayPeriod(uint256 _period) public virtual

Sets the number of cycles after which the Vote2Earn decay rate is applied

Requires admin privileges and a period greater than 0


Name Type Description
_period uint256 Number of cycles


function setTreasuryPercentage(uint256 _percentage) public virtual

Sets the treasury percentage allocation

The treasury percentage is a value between 0 and 10000, scaled by 100 to allow fractional percentages (87.5% for example) Requires admin privileges


Name Type Description
_percentage uint256 Treasury percentage (scaled by 100)


function setMaxVote2EarnDecay(uint256 _maxVote2EarnDecay) public virtual

Sets the maximum decay rate for Vote2Earn allocations

Requires admin privileges and a decay rate between 0 and 100


Name Type Description
_maxVote2EarnDecay uint256 Maximum decay rate as a percentage


function setXAllocationsGovernorAddress(address _xAllocationsGovernor) public

Sets the address for the XAllocations Governor

Requires that the voting period of the governor is less than the cycle duration Requires admin privileges and a non-zero address


Name Type Description
_xAllocationsGovernor address The new XAllocations Governor address