This contract is the receiver and distributor of weekly B3TR emissions for x2earn apps. Funds can be claimed by the X2Earn apps at the end of each allocation round
Interacts with the Emissions contract to get the amount of B3TR available for distribution in each round, and the x2EarnApps contract to check app existence and the app’s team wallet address. The contract is using AccessControl to handle roles for upgrading the contract and external contract addresses. —————————————————————————- ———————- Version 2 —————————————- - Added the abilty to toggle quadratic funding on and off. ———————- Version 3 —————————————- - Use new interface IX2EarnApps that supports endorsement. ———————- Version 4 —————————————- - Updated the X2EarnApps interface to support node cooldown functionality
The role that can upgrade the contract.
The role that can set the addresses of the contracts used by the VoterRewards contract.
struct XAllocationPoolStorage {
contract IXAllocationVotingGovernor _xAllocationVoting;
contract IEmissions _emissions;
contract IB3TR b3tr;
contract ITreasury treasury;
contract IX2EarnApps x2EarnApps;
contract IX2EarnRewardsPool x2EarnRewardsPool;
mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => bool)) claimedRewards;
struct Checkpoints.Trace208 quadraticFundingDisabled;
constructor() public
function initialize(address _admin, address upgrader, address contractsAddressManager, address _b3trAddress, address _treasury, address _x2EarnApps, address _x2EarnRewardsPool) public
Initializes the contract.
Name | Type | Description |
_admin | address | The address of the admin. |
upgrader | address | The address of the upgrader. |
contractsAddressManager | address | The address of the contracts address manager. |
_b3trAddress | address | The address of the B3TR token. |
_treasury | address | The address of the VeBetterDAO treasury. |
_x2EarnApps | address | The address of the x2EarnApps contract. |
_x2EarnRewardsPool | address | The address of the x2EarnRewardsPool contract. |
event XAllocationVotingSet(address oldContractAddress, address newContractAddress)
event EmissionsContractSet(address oldContractAddress, address newContractAddress)
event TreasuryContractSet(address oldContractAddress, address newContractAddress)
event X2EarnAppsContractSet(address oldContractAddress, address newContractAddress)
event QuadraticFundingToggled(bool isDisabled)
Emits true if quadratic funding is disabled, false otherwise.
Name | Type | Description |
isDisabled | bool | - The flag to enable or disable quadratic funding. |
function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal
_Function that should revert when msg.sender
is not
authorized to upgrade the contract. Called by {upgradeToAndCall}.
Normally, this function will use an xref:access.adoc[access control] modifier such as {Ownable-onlyOwner}.
function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal onlyOwner {}
### setXAllocationVotingAddress
function setXAllocationVotingAddress(address xAllocationVoting_) external
Set the address of the XAllocationVotingGovernor contract.
function setEmissionsAddress(address emissions_) external
Set the address of the emissions contract.
function setTreasuryAddress(address treasury_) external
Set the address of the treasury contract.
function setX2EarnAppsAddress(address x2EarnApps_) external
Set the address of the x2EarnApps contract.
function toggleQuadraticFunding() external
Toggle quadratic funding for the next round.
This function toggles the state of quadratic funding with new state being used in the next round. The state will flip between enabled and disabled each time the function is called.
function claim(uint256 roundId, bytes32 appId) external
Claim the rewards for an app in a given round. The rewards are calculated based on the share of votes the app received. A percentage of the total reward is sent to the wallet of the team, while the remaining remains in the contract to be distributed to the users of the app. Unallocated rewards for each app will be sent to the VeBetterDAO treasury. Anyone can call this function. Round must be valid and app must exist.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID from XAllocationVoting contract for which to claim the rewards. |
appId | bytes32 | The ID of the app from X2EarnApps contract for which to claim the rewards. |
function _emissionAmount(uint256 roundId) internal view returns (uint256)
Returns the amount of $B3TR available for allocation in a given cycle. Each cycle is linked to a x-allocation round and they share the same id.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
function _rewardAmount(uint256 roundId, uint256 share) internal view returns (uint256)
Returns the amount of $B3TR to be distrubuted to either the app or the treasury. The amount is calculated based on the share of votes the app received. The amount is scaled by 1e18 for precision.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
share | uint256 | The percentage of the total votes the app received. |
function _calculateTeamAllocation(bytes32 appId, uint256 totalRoundEarnings) internal view returns (uint256, uint256)
Calculate the amount of B3TR that should be sent to the team and the amount that should be reserved to reward users.
Name | Type | Description |
appId | bytes32 | the app id |
totalRoundEarnings | uint256 | full amount of B3TR available for allocation to the app |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | teamAllocationAmount amount of B3TR that will be sent to the team |
[1] | uint256 | x2EarnRewardsPoolAmount amount of B3TR reserved to reward users |
function claimableAmount(uint256 roundId, bytes32 appId) public view returns (uint256 totalAmount, uint256 unallocatedAmount, uint256 teamAllocationAmount, uint256 x2EarnRewardsPoolAmount)
Get how much an app can claim for a given round.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
appId | bytes32 | The ID of the app for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
Name | Type | Description |
totalAmount | uint256 | The total amount of $B3TR available for allocation to the app. |
unallocatedAmount | uint256 | The amount of $B3TR that was not allocated, and will be sent to the treasury. |
teamAllocationAmount | uint256 | The amount of $B3TR that will be sent to the team. |
x2EarnRewardsPoolAmount | uint256 | The amount of $B3TR reserved to reward users. |
function roundEarnings(uint256 roundId, bytes32 appId) public view returns (uint256 totalAmount, uint256 unallocatedAmount, uint256 teamAllocationAmount, uint256 x2EarnRewardsPoolAmount)
_The amount of allocation to distribute to the apps is calculated in
two parts: - There is a minimum amount calculated through the
of total available funds for the
round divided by the number of eligible apps - There is a variable
amount (calculated upon the variableAllocationPercentage
total available funds) that depends on the amounts of votes that an app
receives. There is a cap to how much each x-app will be able to receive
each round. Unallocated amount is calculated when the app share is
greater than the max share an app get have.
If a round fails then we calculate the % of received votes (shares) against the previous succeeded round. If a round is succeeded then we calculate the % of received votes (shares) against it. If a round is active then results should be treated as real time estimation and not final results, since voting is still in progress._
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
appId | bytes32 | The ID of the app for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
Name | Type | Description |
totalAmount | uint256 | The total amount of $B3TR available for allocation to the app. |
unallocatedAmount | uint256 | The amount of $B3TR that was not allocated, and will be sent to the treasury. |
teamAllocationAmount | uint256 | The amount of $B3TR that will be sent to the team. |
x2EarnRewardsPoolAmount | uint256 | The amount of $B3TR reserved to reward users. |
function currentRoundEarnings(bytes32 appId) public view returns (uint256)
Fetches the id of the current round and calculates the earnings. Usually when calling this function round is active, and the results should be treated as real time estimation and not final results. If round ends and a new round did not start yet, then the results can be considered final.
Name | Type | Description |
appId | bytes32 | The ID of the app for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
function baseAllocationAmount(uint256 roundId) public view returns (uint256)
Calculate the minimum amount of $B3TR that will be distributed to
each qualified X Application in a given round.
% of allocations will be on average
distributed to each qualified X Application as the base part of the
allocation (so all the x-apps in the ecosystem will receive a minimum
amount of $B3TR).
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to calculate the amount available for allocation. |
function getAppShares(uint256 roundId, bytes32 appId) public view returns (uint256, uint256)
Returns the funding percentage of votes for a given app in a given round. When calculating the percentage of votes received we check if the app exceeds the max cap of shares, eg: if an app has 80 votes out of 100, and the max cap is 50, then the app will have a share of 50% of the available funds. The remaining 30% will be sent to the treasury.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to calculate the amount of votes received in percentage. |
appId | bytes32 | The ID of the app. |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | uint256 | appShare The percentage of votes received by the app. |
[1] | uint256 | unallocatedShare The amount of votes that were not allocated, and will be sent to the treasury. |
function claimed(uint256 roundId, bytes32 appId) external view returns (bool)
Check if app has already claimed the rewards for a given round.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID for which to check if the app has claimed the rewards. |
appId | bytes32 | The ID of the app. |
function scaledAppSharesCap(uint256 roundId) public view returns (uint256)
Returns the maximum app shares cap scaled by 1e2 for precision since our shares calculation is scaled by 1e4.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID |
function getMaxAppAllocation(uint256 roundId) external view returns (uint256)
Returns the maximum amount an app can claim for a given round.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | The round ID |
function isQuadraticFundingDisabledForRound(uint256 roundId) public view returns (bool)
Check if quadratic funding is disabled at a specific round.
To check if quadratic funding was disabled for a round, use the block number the cycle started.
Name | Type | Description |
roundId | uint256 | - The round ID for which to check if quadratic funding is disabled. |
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | true if quadratic funding is disabled, false otherwise. |
function isQuadraticFundingDisabledForCurrentRound() public view returns (bool)
Check if quadratic funding is disabled for the current round.
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | bool | true if quadratic funding is disabled, false otherwise. |
function xAllocationVoting() public view returns (contract IXAllocationVotingGovernor)
Returns the XAllocationVotingGovernor contract.
function emissions() public view returns (contract IEmissions)
Returns the emissions contract.
function treasury() external view returns (contract ITreasury)
Returns the emissions contract.
function b3tr() external view returns (contract IB3TR)
Returns the b3tr contract.
function x2EarnApps() external view returns (contract IX2EarnApps)
Returns the x2EarnApp contract.
function version() external pure virtual returns (string)
Returns the version of the contract
Name | Type | Description |
[0] | string | string The version of the contract |
function clock() public view virtual returns (uint48)
Clock used for flagging checkpoints.
function CLOCK_MODE() public view virtual returns (string)
Returns the mode of the clock.